I saw that Holmes Run had been stocked on 10/14, so I woke up early Monday and headed over after scraping the frost off my truck.
Above the first stream crossing, I didn’t see any fish but cast a little anyway. Below the first crossing I saw my first fish: a dead trout. At least I knew Holmes Run had actually been stocked. I cast twice to a hole that’s been productive in the past, only to catch a little bluegill on a beadless nymph. I was using a drab nymph based on some reading I did about October fishing at HR before heading out.
Further down the stream I finally saw some trout. I managed to get snagged, step in a hole trying to get free, and flood my hip waders. It was a comedy of errors, which I didn’t find funny as it was in the 30s this morning… I was wearing wool socks and longjohns, so I wrung them out and got back to fishing. Fortunately, it warmed up some as I fished.
I cast the nymph (until I lost it to a tree), then an egg, and a tandem with a woolybugger trailing the egg. I brought the fly inches from the nose of those fish, but best I could do was scare them away. Maybe they aren’t acclimated yet, but more likely I just don’t know what I’m doing. I had to be at the office for a 1pm meeting, so I headed back. I saw a few trout this time at the first crossing and cast a handful of times. I got some light bites (or just dragged bottom) but failed to set the hook. I felt like I just needed a few more casts, but I was already running late. I wanted to try an ant or a dry, bit didn’t have time. I didn’t catch any trout and I came home cold and wet, but I did learn a few things. Not least of which was to be careful out there during deer season. Maybe I’ll bring a blaze hat next time I’m out early.
I’ll confer with some real/experienced fly fishermen and get back out there as soon as I can.
UPDATE: I’m finally warming up by the fire. Got some great advice from twitter. Check it out at @bonvivantva. When I picked my daughter up tonight, FJ had some Marvin on and a fire roaring.
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