
Friday I loaded a literal truckload of baby stuff and we headed to Fredrock. My pictures from the weekend got a little out of order, and I used a lot of HB’s pictures, so my bad. We played a round at Gauntlet.

C-Note had a couple of amazing drives.

I ended up breaking 100 again! And Gauntlet is no easy course. Special thanks to my caddie, WinnDixie.

EF loved the water. She kicked like crazy under her float and loved splashing around.

This diamond crown (figurado no. 6 maduro) was insanely good.

Every meal we had was delicious, as always.

Savanna had a photoshoot. Cameras on cameras.

There were bebes everywhere this year. The times have changed.

Thom and Marteen enjoyed a romantic twilight paddleboat ride.

The sky was beautiful. Marteen pulled out his long lens (pun intended) so we could see the planets.

This was the first time I had my new fly rod out. I managed to catch four fish. I got a couple large mouth bass, a blue gill, and either another blue gill or a crappie (I couldn’t tell which).

EF had her first lil taste of homemade biscuit.

Thom boated out to where I was fishing to bring me a refreshment.

Daddys don’t let your babies grow up to be cowgirls.

EF LOVED Bentley. She was giggling and so excited when he came around.

Everybody was able to catch a fish. After Thom snagged one, I commented that I was in the wrong line of work, and should have been an adventure guide. I’ve helped/taught my buddies to fly fish, squirrel hunt, upland hunt, etc. The guys on the shore said they’d just been talking about how I’ll make a good scoutmaster. Thats probably the best compliment I’ve ever received.

As always, HB and I had a great time. Pam-ela and WinnDixie were amazing hosts as always. Our hosts, RyRy, and all our friends really made it possible for EF to have a great time too. HB did a really amazing job, and EF took like a fish to the water. I can’t wait to take EF to the beach, and then back to the pool.

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CK had us over for some steak, and we had sugar shack for dessert. Delicious, and her back patio is awesome.

On Saturday I went rowing, but the wind was up, so I had to settle for a walk and a nice cigar.

We continued to take advantage of the great weather.

The next weekend was the company family picnic. We had some good food, played some bingo, and had some characters done.

After a few beers, the bounce house looked pretty enticing.

We had a little too much fun…

Then the butt had her first taste of real food (not cereal). She loved avocado.

Monday, I had to run over to Urban Angler to get outfitted for Memorial Day weekend. It turned into a family affair. We grabbed lunch at Eamonn’s Dublin Chipper.

After some amazing fish and chips (with tartar and curry sauce), a Guinness, and a fried mars bar for dessert, FJ and I headed over to Urban Angler. While we waited for our rods to get set up, we grabbed a beer at Murphy’s. I highly recommend Urban Angler for fly fishing gear. Alan gave us a lot of help and really good advice. I wouldn’t have caught any fish this weekend without his guidance. Also, thanks Chris for the advice at the company picnic.

Later in the week I discovered that the VA ABC now has a cool system for showing you which products come from Virginia.

My black cats avoided relegation!

And we had some delicious crabs at the Quarterdeck.

On a cold and rainy Wednesday, HB and I had a nice fortifying Irish meal at Ireland’s Four P’s.

The superchunk used her high chair for the first time.

We dined al fresco and enjoyed more good weather.

EF did her best Founders Breakfast Stout impression…

EF handled her shots like a champ.

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Saturday we watched Sunderland score a big three points, and then we dined al fresco at Clare & Don’s. We started Mother’s Day with caviar and rose champagne. Then we headed to Georgetown.


Learning from her momma.

FJ sneaking his (unlimited) mimosa into the shot.

Sea Catch’s crab benedict is on point. The snow crab bloodies are delicious.

When Princess Fussybottom is giving you the stank eye…

…just cover it up.

A great time was had by all. Anyone who knows LeBeef knows that she isn’t just a great mom, but a great person. CK and I are very lucky to have her. I can’t wait for EF to learn to talk so she can tell HB that she is, “the best mom EVER!”

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Monday I helped Lil Steve move some stuff out as he anticipates a move to Myrtle. It was nice seeing Jimmy Dean who I rarely get to see. Then Lil treated his family and me to some delicious cheesesteaks.

On Tuesday, we celebrated a quiet Cinco de Mayo at home. Later in the week, HB got her first Mothers’ Day prezzy from EF.

Since the weather has been so nice, we did some grilling out.

Rob came by for steaks, stogies, and some real talk.

Friday, I enjoyed fast service (not even one person in front of me) at the mobile DMV. Then EF and I played chess against Castling Chris.

It was perfect out, so we headed to Gtown for a row and some food.

My girls saw me off.

HB and Chris enjoyed some oysters on the water.

Chang-mang and I got our sea legs back.

Then we celebrated with sam summer and great food.

I’d been craving softshell crab all winter. It did not disappoint.

That evening it was still too nice to go inside, so I fixed myself a julep and lit up a Perla del Mar.

Saturday I enjoyed a huge win for Sunderland, and now its time to cheers some rose champs to our Mothers.

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I’m about as excited as EF that its finally Spring. On Saturday, we woke up and headed to DC.

This was EF’s first trip to a museum, so we were a little concerned about logistics, bothering others, etc. As it turns out, things couldn’t have gone more smoothly. EF slept on the 1.5 mile walk from our friends’ place to the museum. Then she was up and alert for the museum. The National Gallery of Art let us use our own stroller, so we didn’t have to worry about checking it and carrying EF’s bag. The staff at the National Gallery of Art were incredible nice and accommodating. When EF was crying and wouldn’t take her bottle for a moment, a security guard approached us. I assumed he was going to tell us to take her outside or to a bathroom, but instead, he pointed out a bench HB could rest on while she fed EF. EF was very well-behaved overall (and HB did a great job keeping her happy and quiet), but the staff at NGA were very cheerful, helpful, and seemed sincerely happy to help us even when EF was momentarily fussy. I doubt that EF disrupted any one individual’s enjoyment of the gallery for more than 20-30 seconds, and I didn’t notice any dirty looks or expressions of annoyance. It seemed ambitious at first, but the trip was a huge success. We’ll definitely be back soon.

The last time I saw paintings of Venice, Rome, and other similar beautiful locations, I hadn’t been. Its really amazing to see how well the overwhelming scale and detail of a place like St. Peter’s Basilica can be captured in paint. The basilica is staggering in person. I’ve never seen a photo that begins to do it justice, which makes Panini’s painting all the more impressive.

HB’s favorite artist is Mary Cassatt. I call the photo below Mother and Child on Mother and Child.

I didn’t think EF would get much out of the trip, but I was blown away by how much she seemed to enjoy and appreciate it.

I was in the room below, thinking that it must be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Then an older and very well-dressed couple came in. The man turned to his companion and gushed, “This room! ” His expression was one of joy and bewilderment. The woman, never taking her gaze from the walls, simply said, “I know…” I was having a moment of my own, and then really enjoyed seeing others have such a similar reaction.

After about an hour and a half of wandering the gallery, we had lunch by the waterfall. HB had an affogato.

The tunnel between the two buildings may have been EF’s favorite part.

EF loves a mobile.

After our great adventure, we walked back to RP and Jodi’s for a derby day party.

EF was jelly of my burger.

My horse didn’t come in, and my trifectas didn’t pan out. However, we’d had a great adventure at the art museum, and enjoyed great food and company at the party. EF was tuckered out, and we headed home.

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